At Manor Farm Tree Services we make all our restaurant grade BBQ charcoal in a location right next to our 20 Acres of woodland.
BBQ Charcoal
We Aim To Utilise Every Part Of The Tree
We craft our charcoal using only the best hardwoods sourced from Manor Farm Wood and the nearby-surrounding area.
Making BBQ charcoal is a fundamental part of what we do at MFTS as it allows us to utilise parts of the tree that would otherwise go to waste.
What It Is That Makes Our Charcoal Special:
We retail our mixed hardwood charcoal at £8 per bag
You can collect from the address below. We can also deliver, just ask for prices. For commercial bulk loads and discounting, please call for quotes.
Feel free to contact us for more information regarding our BBQ Charcoal, individual species used and use of our portable BBQing device. We can produce single species hardwood charcoal on request.

We retail our mixed hardwood charcoal at £8.00 per bag
You can collect from the address below. We can also deliver, just ask for prices. For commercial bulk loads and discounting, please call for quotes.
Feel free to contact us for more information regarding our BBQ Charcoal, individual species used and use of our portable BBQing device. We can produce single species hardwood charcoal on request.
If you are interested in seeing the process we are happy to show small groups how the Charcoal is made on farm just contact us by phone or email.
Get Your Free No
Obligation Quotation Today
We try to maintain a highly Sustainable outlook on all aspects of our work and wish for both the best outcome for the tree and yourselves, giving advice where necessary.